Jane Goodall

Sorry everyone, it has been al long time since I made a new blog or DIY. I'm so busy with school and my internship in Ouwehands (a zoo in the Netherlands) that I can't find enough time. I'm also trying to make a into for the video's so please be patient and don't have fear, I am not quitting.



8 December I went to a lecture by Jane Goodall. I want to share with you guys so here comes a new blog.

Jane Goodall gave a lecture about how we are demiging the planet en about what we have learned about the animals that wasn’t known in the past. I got the opportunity to ask a question to Jane Goodall. I asked her if she had any advice for my an my internship where I have to make an enrichment for the gorilla’s. Because I was so nervous she didn't understand what I said. But when she did, she told me that I could look into chimpanzoo an organization which helps to make zoo better. And I could look for (die stichting voor jongeren) which makes enrichments too.

Jane goodall is a wonderful woman who taught the word that animals aren't objects but are similar to us. She has a degree in secretary which is why Louis Leakey took her as his secretary to Africa. This led to an amazing experience for Jane. When Louis offered her to research the chimpanzees which lived there, the studies began. She says that the chimpanzees have personalities and that they use tools to get the ants out of their nest. When she brought that out to the scientists they said she was crazy. But when the people started to see she was right the chance there ways. Now zoos are better for their animals and we take better care for our pets. In the wild a lot of animals are being taken away from their habitats. To make room for us, the humans. If we stop that a lot of animals will not disappear from this planet. We also have to stop demiging the planet by producing CO2 and having huge cow farms. Together with Jane we kan help them.

You can see the lecture yourself at:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG-J3_fthaA 

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